(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Частина друга - Resources to help you find tech careers in Alberta (part 2/2) 8. Connect with recruiters. Employee fees are illegal in Alberta, so it won't cost you anything! Make the best resume you can and connect with every recruiter you can find - make sure you are in their database. Local recruiters and companies have no idea about you - make it easy for them and let them know that you are available! A couple of big ones I know that you can try (there are more): vanhack.com/ www.sisystems.com/ Here are some recruiters that attended Edmonton Tech Wednesdays: www.linkedin.com/in/grahamplomp/ www.linkedin.com/in/beckywebber13/ www.linkedin.com/in/emilie-roussis-1a6520150/ Large companies have their own recruiters. Find the company you want to work for and search for people who are hiring on LinkedIn and talk to them. Neo has a tech recruiter from Ukraine: Elizabeth Khalieva www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethkhalieva/ 9. Check out some Alberta unicorns and large companies. Large companies often have more jobs. Benevity benevity.com/careers Neo www.neofinancial.com/careers Jobber getjobber.com/about/careers/#open-positions + there are more 10. Multinationals: Infosys and mPhasis, two large Indian multinationals are expanding in Calgary. www.infosys.com/careers/ careers.mphasis.com/home.html 11. Go to meetups. Meetups are an excellent way to get connected. Here is a list of all Calgary communities and their leaders + their contact info. Not in Alberta? No problem! Find their online community and start getting to know people before you arrive. coda.io/@calgary-ux-group/communities For Edmonton, join Connect Edmonton join.slack.com/t/connectedmonton/shared_invite/zt-23gpjuzt2-WMum0wMOzpCahbCKbMvD_Q Dev Edmonton Society also has a list of meetups on their website: devedmonton.com/#meetups Also check out Edmonton Unlimited for more tech events in Edmonton: edmontonunlimited.com/ 12. You can also look for jobs at municipal, provincial, and federal government level and non-profits. For example: Government of Alberta jobs: jobpostings.alberta.ca/ City of Edmonton jobs: www.edmonton.ca/city_government/jobs City of Calgary jobs: www.calgary.ca/careers.html University of Alberta jobs: www.careers.ualberta.ca/ University of Calgary jobs: careers.ucalgary.ca/jobs/search NAIT jobs (Edmonton): www.nait.ca/nait/about/work-at-nait SAIT jobs (Calgary): www.sait.ca/about-sait/work-at-sait Alberta universities and colleges have many excellent tech programs and career hubs. You can check out their websites and find some programs and names of people there. Then search them up on LinkedIn - these people often share useful info that can help you find a job. 13. IBM has a centre in Calgary - check it out: www.newswire.ca/news-releases/ibm-client-innovation-centre-to-open-in-calgary-250-jobs-planned-for-skills-in-ai-hybrid-cloud-5g-and-security-892055388.html 14. Telecommunications companies have tech jobs too! The big ones are TELUS, Rogers and Bell. 15. You can also check out large consulting companies like CGI (there are more). www.cgi.com/ Happy job search!
Ресурси для всіх кого цікавить кар'єра в Альберті: Resources to help you find tech careers in Alberta (part 1/2) 1. Start Alberta (find all tech companies and ~300 jobs ) ecosystem.startalberta.ca/ (login using LinkedIn) Follow Start Alberta on LinkedIn - they often highlight various Alberta tech companies in different subsectors and their jobs: www.linkedin.com/company/start-alberta/ 2. Platform Calgary Work in Tech Job Board (filter by city) www.platformcalgary.com/connect-with-community/work-in-tech/ Platform Calgary is a great resource with physical space, events, programs and connections with 1000+ Calgary companies Check out www.platformcalgary.com/ Follow on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/platformcalgary/ Platform also hosts Tech Talent Tuesdays - check out here: www.platformcalgary.com/connect-with-community/tech-talent-tuesday/ 3. Betakit is another great resource for startup/tech news (Canada-wide) betakit.com/ They have a jobs board too: jobs.betakit.com/ 4. Council of Canadian Innovators has lots of tech companies as their members Canada-wide, including in Alberta. You can go to their member directory and discover great Canadian companies. directory.canadianinnovators.org/scaleup 5. Join local tech groups on Slack and introduce yourself in the intro channel with your LinkedIn. Here are some great groups: Edmonton Startup Community (2200+ members): join.slack.com/t/yegstartup/shared_invite/zt-23lk2uj12-L1bgSoSeSWFVnaAbJHWYGA Dev Edmonton Society (4,600 members): join.slack.com/t/devedmonton/shared_invite/zt-22ygacpc6-oRqFvXQmd11cV7Pf7cIg YYC Design and Development join.slack.com/t/yycdesign/shared_invite/zt-21wcb7v9e-JvSi9Jn3HYRTra7nCh40vA GDG (Google Developer Cloud) Edmonton join.slack.com/t/gdg-cloud-edmonton/shared_invite/zt-23ed25lis-KhKVKQ1RcD2lFUf6PZVOkg Connect Edmonton join.slack.com/t/connectedmonton/shared_invite/zt-23gpjuzt2-WMum0wMOzpCahbCKbMvD_Q Product Edmonton join.slack.com/t/productedmonton/shared_invite/zt-23d79y4du-gLePTTsXsQz73kuMt3MWFw Calgary UX join.slack.com/t/calgaryux/shared_invite/zt-23jqvi1jm-4v0CF0_UJEJtebUqO1zIoA YYC Data Community join.slack.com/t/yycdatacommunity/shared_invite/zt-23wmv91og-QHVw6YAIu_ProACWYOrpNw (there are many more - just ask) 6. With some companies, you can send your application in advance to express interest even when they have no job right now. Two examples: AltaML has a generic application intake for Edmonton and Calgary. Let them know what you are looking for: jobs.lever.co/altaml/ Neo also has a way for future talent to apply (Calgary). Send your application even if they have no position right now: apply.workable.com/neo-financial/j/56EC17AD42/ 7. Find venture capital funds that invest in tech companies - they will often have a jobs section on their website to highlight all the jobs in companies they have invested in. For example: Golden Ventures Jobs jobs.golden.ventures/jobs Inovia jobs careers.inovia.vc/jobs
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