Ждуны CUAET Canada 🇨🇦
Здравствуйте, хочу у вас спросить, у кого была такая ситуация? Моя гражданская супруга Украинка я сам из Узбекистана, ей недавно вклеили визу, а мой статус рассмотрели на днях и прислали это - This is in reference to your application. It appears that you may not meet the requirements for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program. Who can apply for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program? • Ukrainian nationals; or • family members of Ukrainian nationals (can be any nationality). o Family members are defined as ▪️ the spouse or common-law partner of a Ukrainian national; ▪️ their dependent child; ▪️ the dependent child of their spouse / common-law partner; or ▪️ a dependent child of their dependent child. Subsection 11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) provides that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer for a visa or any other document required by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of the Act. Based on the information provided in your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program. I would like to provide you with the opportunity to respond to this information. You must provide these document(s) within the timeframe indicated in your online account. You will not be able to submit your document electronically after this timeframe has expired. The following documents are required to continue processing your application. Please find below an explanation of the ways you may meet the requirements of this program. In your response, please indicate how you meet the requirements and submit documentary evidence in support: 1. Ukrainian Nationals: If you are a Ukrainian citizen, please provide evidence of your Ukrainian Nationality. This may be a copy of your Ukrainian passport, or evidence that one of your parents was a Ukrainian citizen when you were born (such as a copy of the biodata page of the Ukrainian passport of one of your parents), or your certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine issued by the local migration department. Please note that a Ukrainian birth certificate does not confer Ukrainian nationality, it only certifies birth and kinship (who your parents are and where and when you were born). Please explain how and when you acquired Ukrainian citizenship, including supporting documents. Please note that temporary residents and permanent residents of Ukraine do not meet the requirements of this program under the category of Ukrainian National.
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2 Feb 2023, 01:21
Post 227309 of 258507
about 23 hours ago