Український Монреаль
Вiн ще пособiе тут оформлював на себе на жiнку росiянку))
Вiн тут не йединий такий)) що робити з ними я хз
Це ти про жирного олексiя, я йому чуть йiбальник не набив, його дiвчина врятувала.
Прийдете на застільні настільні ігри?
Шанс 0.01% контролю! = 0 % :)
When the AB first came into effect in July, they did have agents checking passes at the Zone B stations, but they were only issuing warnings.
Ну бо виходиш в зоні В, а проїзний лише на зону А.
Yes, as of July 1, you're required to have an AB fare if you take the metro from Montreal to Laval or Longueuil.
- When the AB first came into effect in July, they did have agents checking passes at the Zone B stations, but they were only issuing warnings. Eventually, those agents will come back for the regular random fare control events, and will start issuing fines for invalid tickets. And apparently, the long-term plan is to have tap-out exit gates in Zone B.