Toronto Newcomers
Ontario Ontario has by far the most access to Uber of any of the provinces. Uber is accessible across almost the entire Greater Toronto Area while cities like Kingston & Ottawa continue to use the ride-sharing program at a high volume. To become a driver for Uber in Ontario, like most provinces you have to be at least 21 years of age and hold a valid G driver’s license. You’ll need proof of eligibility to work in the province, insurance, and valid vehicle registration. Depending on the city in which you plan to drive for you may be required to do additional background screening. Once you have provided Uber with the necessary documentation/information you will be issued with a Safety Standards Certificate.
In 2023, you will need to pay a total of $207.82, when applying for your licence. This includes the: • application fee with a 50 per cent reduction but adjusted for a 4.35% consumer price index (CPI) for 2023: $141.13 • Accessibility Fund Program fee (no longer reduced): $66.69
привіт! порадьте будь ласка організації, які можуть поселити тимчасово в Торонто а також знайти сім‘ю/людей, які можуть захостити або як це краще зробити 🙏 hi! could you recommend me some organizations that help with temporary accommodation in Toronto? and find family / people who can host me 🙏 thank you so much ☺️
Здравствуйте! Подскажите кто-нибудь русско- или украиноговорящего врача по женской части. Планируется операция, нужно предварительное обследование
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