Toronto Newcomers
Здравствуйте.Подскажите пожалуйста, кто уже проходил мед.осмотр( флюрографию и.....) Какова стоимость. Буду благодарна за ответ в личку.
You should meet people in person. Telegram is not good decision
What a pity. I ve heard that the government paid a lot of money for lockdown sitting.
Посмотрите в выше или в закрепе или поиск. Тут были
that's ukrainian-russian group
It is official info by site quantity. Along with German. China is not considered as a part of the world
Hello from Mandarin and Kantonese people :-)
The second language on the internet. Millions of people prefer it.
Hi mate. You chose the right place for it.
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