Є волонтерські групи в ФБ, також є такі форми/організіції по провінціях (знайшла на Ukrainian Canadian Congress)
British Columbia: Talk to BC211. They can help you find the right resources and access services close to where you are. Посилання на інформацію - www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/tourism-immigration/ukraine/welcome
Saskatchewan: Посилання на інформацію - www.ucc.sk.ca/uk/services/u-immigrationsettlement
Manitoba: To help refugees find longer-term housing, the provincial government is partnering with New Journey Housing to work with Ukrainians and their families to match clients with appropriate accommodations. New Journey Housing is a Winnipeg-based agency that helps newcomers find housing. Посилання на інформацію - manitoba4ukraine.ca
Nova Scotia: Secure accommodation for you and your family, if you do not already have accommodations. Посилання на інформацію - ymcahfx.ca/ns-supports-ukraine/ukrainian-nationals/ та novascotiaimmigration.com/live-here/housing/
Група у ФБ Canada Host Ukrainians: www.facebook.com/groups/canadahostukrainians/