🇨🇦🇺🇦Украинцы в Канаде CUAET Чат🇺🇦🇨🇦
Hi, My husband and I are arriving on the evening of 10/09 in Halifax, we have a 17 hour layover and then a transfer to Winnipeg. Please tell me where I can stay for a few hours to rest, maybe some hotel or hostel, or maybe there are people who can take me for a few hours to rest? We have no children, animals are also vaccinated. I am very grateful for the answer
Уже дали полный ответ?
The inclusion of this work permit type under the Alberta Opportunity Stream is currently under review. Так что Надежда ещё есть. Ну или ехать через rural renewal stream. То есть Калгари и Эдмонтон закрыты в таком случае. И даже Ред Дир тоже вроде