🇨🇦🇺🇦Украинцы в Канаде CUAET Чат🇺🇦🇨🇦
И могут отказать? Разве есть ограничения?
There are a number of reasons you can be found inadmissible or refused entry to Canada, such as: • Security. • Human or international rights violations. • Criminality (even DUIs and DWIs) • Organized criminality. • Health grounds. • Financial reasons. • Misrepresentation (of any kind) • Non-compliance with IRPA.
Grounds for refusal include past criminal offences, health risks to Canadians, lack of financial resources to visit Canada, presenting fraudulent documents at the border, misrepresentation and other breaches of the Immigration & Refugee Protection Act.
Собаку на руках тащила домой, ибо не вывозит😁
Сейчас уже -26
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С октября отменены ковид-ограничения в Канаде