Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chat
Дозвіл від пасажирів чи від кого?
Так за це і запитую) Дякую.
На Убері немає готівки, але і кнопок тривожних теж і взагалі нічого немає. Там машина має бути своя, не від компанії ( по крайній мірі в Вінніпезі Убер в оренду не бачив щоб щось давав).
Не покрывает лекарства, дантиста и все такое
Дякую велике)
A landlord is generally responsible to: • investigate complaints about pests in a rental unit or residential complex; • get rid of the pests using commonly accepted methods; For example: spraying for insects, setting traps for rodents; and • make any repairs necessary to prevent pests from getting into the unit or complex. For example: fixing holes in a foundation where mice are entering the unit.
A tenant is generally responsible to: • keep the rental unit reasonably clean and uncluttered to try to prevent pests from entering the unit and multiplying; • tell the landlord about a pest problem so the landlord can deal with the problem before it spreads to other units; • allow the landlord, or someone hired by the landlord, to enter the unit to exterminate, or get rid, of the pests; • follow the landlord’s or exterminator’s instructions on preparing for the extermination so the treatment can be as effective as possible; a tenant may have to empty closets or kitchen cupboards or move furniture.