Hello everyone!
If you have a child born in 2018 they will be eligible to start kindergarten in September 2023. Registration for kindergarten begins on March 1, 2023.
In order to register you must go to your designated catchment school. If you are unsure what school that is, please let me know your home address and I will be able to tell you.
Registration packages are available at all schools and on their websites at Documents & Forms > Registration. Contact your child's designated school or visit their website for information about their registration process.
When registering your child for school in RETSD, you will need to provide proof-of-age documentation for your child (e.g., birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, Manitoba Health Card, INAC status card, birth registration signed by the director of Vital Statistics), as well as two pieces of identification for proof of residency (e.g., driver’s licence, Manitoba Health Card, tenancy agreement, offer to purchase documents, utility bill).