(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Hi! My name is Serhii. I’m a Front End Developer with almost two years of experience, mostly React but open to learn any new technology. I’m looking for a job. Location doesn’t matter, ready to relocate, or work remotely! Currently located in Moncton NB. My English level is Advanced. If you have any open vacancy please DM me and I’ll send you my CV. Thanks and best wishes
Поділіться досвідом пліз, через скільки після останньої співбесіди зазвичай летить офер? В Україні іноді за півгодини вже був на пошті, тут тиждень тиша, походу we decided to proceed with another candidate 🥲
Так, або просто публікують всюди, а потім просто не обробляють всі запити з всіх платформ. І звісно на пряму краще, просто інфа щоб хтось не журився одразу що є якісь відмови.
Можливо корисно для когось хто подавався через indeed
Democamp53 буде в середу, 14 червня в Едмонтоні в Amii (www.amii.ca/) (Ви можете бути з інших міст, але презентувати свій продукт треба особисто в Едмонтоні.) Started in 2008, DemoCamp is an event that brings together developers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and investors to share what they’ve been working on and find others in the community interested in similar topics. For presenters, it’s a great way to get feedback on what you’re building from peers and the community, all in an informal setting. The rules for DemoCamp are simple: ten minutes to demo real, working products, followed by a few minutes for questions, and no slides allowed. It will be another awesome night of incredible products, and we would love to see you there, but we are also looking for people to demo! Whether it is a tech product, you have turned into a business or something you have been working on for the heck of it. Application form: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0bcX7ZmeQMWKv8GnXd-94ponW-8TKRoJnMs1nuvL-eWq7rA/viewform
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