Канадський Марк Chat
UKRAINE2022. Good afternoon, I have been waiting for an answer for many months on the outcome of the review. I still have an error in my office to this day. How to open a file and submit information? Sorry, a system operation failed. Please try again later. Failed to download the message. (1 New message) Request letter December 12, 2022 New Message
Request letterDecember 12, 2022New Message
Links and document titles are shown in the language you chose for your portal account when they were generated.
Sorry, a system operation failed. Please try again later. Failed to download the message
30 days from the date of this letter
Details of Police Service Please provide a fully completed IMM0150 Details of Police Service table. The table can be found at the following link
Слава Ісусу Христу дорогі парафіяни, що то означає? Як з тим справитися?😊😳😊
Requested Item Additional information Due Date CV/Resume Please provide a detailed description of your education, qualifications and experience, including your personal history (academic/professional) covering the period from your 18th birthday to date. You must include the names of your educational institutions and employers as well as your field(s) of study, occupation(s) and duties/responsibilities. You must also include dates and time periods, without any gaps. Include a list of activities while unemployed and how you were able to financially support yourself.
Доброго дня. Живу в Римі. Скажіть, будь ласка, де можна пройти біометрію? І взагалі, що це за документ?
Попробуйте зайти з першого листа, якого вони вам вислали і там ви перевірте ваш статус і чого там не вистачає
А резюме і форму про службу ви відправили вчасно?
Доброго дня, шукайте Канадський візовий центр та записуйтесь на здачу біометричних даних. Біометричні дані це ваше фото в електронному вигляді та відбитки пальців, теж в електронному вигляді