Ділюся інформацією про MacEwan Venture Lab (Edmonton, Alberta)
You may or may not run a business one day. Musicians, doctors, property managers, consultants and more DO run a business... even if it's a one or two person venture.
The skills needed to successfully run a small business - or to be an entrepreneur - are also core LIFE skills:
• Developing and managing a budget and cash flow
• pitching/selling
• Storytelling for presentations and public speaking
• Project Management
• Leadership and team building
These are the main building blocks of our 6 week program called MacEwan Venture Lab (MVL). Come try on entrepreneurship - even if you aren't going to run with the idea forever, come play around with it for a while to learn what it's all about.
Register today and we will set up an admissions interview for the next cohort.
The time commitment is 6 weeks. There are 2 hours of workshops each week and 2-6 hours (your call) of independent work time to develop your business, meet with mentors and talk to prospective customers each week. There is also a 2 hour pitch day called Demo Day on the last day of the cohort - with prize money!
There is no fee to join the program and it is open to all student and non-students alike. Any industry or business size, too.
More info: www.fuse42.ca/MVL