Ждуны CUAET Canada 🇨🇦
Of course no...+12 years possible fake marriage?
Простите, если уже это обсуждали, Кваэт продлили?
l am so sad .l know the situation and l was in Ukraine beginning of March.l wanted to tell that programme is not clear that you are coming alone or with your family.Anyway every people has different situation and problems.
Every people doesn't want to come and live there like you.l wanted to work there because of my child.Anyway good luck,l told my story.l flew there and lost my saved money also.lts not fair too.11 hours far away and officer was very relax to not giving work permit.
А я надеялась, что подача закончится и они разгрубут «ждунов»….
Well, u should had stayed and apply online for WP.
No..They are giving you visitor record and you can stay there 6 months (you can extend it also).But you can't work,you can't study etc.
Were you denied entry?
l didn't know..Maybe..lt takes time..Hotel was starting 200$/night.For WP, you should have enough money l think.