Финансы в Канаде
Since 2018, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has delivered a free and simple File My Return service, which allows eligible Canadians to auto-file their tax return over the phone after answering a series of short questions. Canadians with simple tax situations and lower or fixed income receive an invitation letter from the CRA to use File My Return, and in the 2022 tax filing season, approximately 53,000 returns were filed using this service. To ensure more low-income Canadians have the ability to quickly and easily auto-file their tax returns, Budget 2023 announces that the federal government will increase the number of eligible Canadians for File My Return to two million by 2025—almost triple the current number. The government will report on its progress in 2024.
Можно, я сегодня подавала. В вашем mycra, когда добавите реьенка, то появится кнопка аплоад
When two individuals who are spouses or common-law partners reside in the same home as the child, the female parent is presumed to be primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of all the children in the home. She should be the one applying for the CCB. The female presumption is a legislative requirement and only one payment per household can be issued under the Income Tax Act. No matter which parent receives the CCB, the amount will be the same. However, if the other parent is primarily responsible, they should apply and attach a signed letter from the female parent stating that they are primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of all the children in the home.
ребят, подскажите, я правильно понимаю, что если я в 2022 сюда приехал, то можно перелет и временное проживание вписать в moving expenses в налогововую декларацию?
Спасибо. Вот я тоже прочел по какой-то ссылке, что нет. Но на офф сайте вроде написано, что можно. Вот цитата: “moved from outside Canada to a new work location in Canada”. www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-21900-moving-expenses/you-claim-moving-expenses-12.html Или я что-то неверно понял отсюда?