Нові Українці Ванкувера - New Ukrainians in Vancouver
Ось що нам відправили: Technical problems with the online application or tools
We are sorry to learn that you are experiencing technical problems with the online application and/or tools.
In order to assist you, please fill out the IRCC Web form available on our website and choose Technical difficulties located in the drop down menu under the heading Enquiry. Please also add the following information:
Your current status in Canada The expiration date of that status (If applicable) Date the application was submitted Information you are looking for and nature of the problem Information requested under A or B, depending on your situation:Please include:
Screen shots showing the full browser window, including the website address field of the: page where you are experiencing problems/trying to log into your account, error message(s) you received, and Specify the date and time when the problem occurred. We will be pleased to follow up on your request following reception of the above information. Usually, it takes us 2 to 5 business days to respond. Due to the impacts of COVID-19 however, it may take us longer to respond to your enquiry. We thank you for your patience.
Скачайте додаток Telus Health, там можна записатись до терапевта онлайн
Добрый вечер всем! Подскажите пожалуйста, может кто-нибудь знает консульство Украины в Канаде, которое обслуживает Британскую Колумбию? Спасибо
Необходимо загранпаспорт сделать
Если можно и если владеете информацией: адрес, телефон. Буду признательна
Не треба летіти нікуди, будете пересилати паспорт до Едмонтона на продовження, знайомі вже так робили.