Ще поки невідомо скільки буде тривати реабілітація, але його прооперували успішно. Шматок ножа казали застряг десь у легені біля серця і лікарям довелось видалити частину легені.. Ось апдейт виклали на gofundme:
I want to thank everyone who responded, I did not expect such a flood of messages and offers of help. I apologize in advance that I won't be able to reply to everyone soon.
Regarding Vanya's condition: the surgery lasted about 5 hours yesterday and was successful. The paramedics brought him to the hospital with a knife in his chest, the tip of the knife broke and got stuck in the lung near the heart and the surgeons had to remove part of the lung. Of course there is severe pain, but the surgeons warned about it. It is not yet known how long the recovery will take.
Yulia spends most of her time in the hospital and is helped by a social worker to cope with the situation. Both Vanya and July are very grateful and touched by your help.
We have resolved the issue of transport and babysitting in the near future. Now we need to decide on permanent housing for the family.
I will keep you all up to date as much as I can.
Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart!