UKR 🇺🇦Edmonton 🇨🇦 Chat
Там присмотритесь внимательно - есть линия разрыва, вот по ней оторвать и если сложить будет как карточка. Вот это и ламинируйте. Можно в Staples отдать на ламинацию или в долораме купить лист для ламинации и самостоятельно дома утюгом.
В аеропорту нас оформили. Там треба почекати трошки, вони знаходять
Доброго дня! Що потрібно зробити щоб вклеїти візу в паспорт?. До Канади приїхали по foil visa, а тепер не знаємо як вклеїти візу в паспорт
Хто знає, чи можна подати документи на абонемент в рекреаційні центри на stadium station?
Раніше можна було, а зараз не скажу точно. Я допомагала в січні сім'ї, то там взяли
Fair question. I am of 💯 Ukrainian heritage. My Grandfather came to Canada from Ukraine to escape war. He came by himself at age 14. He struggled at first. But he worked hard and was able to build a good life for himself and the family. I can only imagine how difficult it is to come to a new country and start over. I feel it is important to assist Ukrainian newcomers as a tribute to my grandfather and all of my Ukrainian family members who worked hard to give me opportunity. I am proud of my Ukrainian heritage and want to assist in this very difficult time.
Thanks Craig! You’re doing a great job!
Many thanks for your help, Craig!
Thank you. But, it is the Ukrainian newcomers who are doing the work. I just try to assist.
Thank you. I appreciate that. Just trying to help while I can. 👍
Oh... AND... ... to find free laborers to work on my farm... ... to find a good Ukrainian wife... ... someone to wash my car... ... someone to clean for me... ... someone to cook for me... 🤣🤣🤣
JOKES!!!!! 😂😂😂
А шо по мові?