Про доказательства написано в запросе на уточнение статуса, когда до него доходит дело. Можете почитать и прикинуть, что из этого у вас есть, и заранее подготовить:
Spouse or common-law partner of a Ukrainian national: Please provide evidence that you
and your Ukrainian spouse are in a genuine relationship. Such evidence could include the
Your original marriage certificate. If the marriage certificate is in a language other than
English or French, please also provide an English or French translation. Or if you are in a
common-law relationship, please provide a completed IMM 5409 Statutory Declaration of
Common-Law Union form.
Evidence of communication between you and your spouse from the past 3 months. Please
ensure any messages not in English or French are translated.
Photos of you and your spouse together in every day life or on trips from the past 2 years.
Evidence of current cohabitation.
Evidence of recent holidays together.
Evidence of shared finances/financial support.
Any other evidence you feel demonstrates you and your spouse are in a genuine relationship.
Your spouse’s application number.
If you are a family member of a Ukrainian national, subsection 4(1) of the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Regulations states that for the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign
national shall not be considered a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner of a
person if the marriage, common-law partnership or conjugal partnership:
(a) was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act; or
(b) is not genuine.
Based on the assessment of your information, including your application, the supporting
documentation, and the information you provided, I am not satisfied that your marriage to your
spouse is genuine or that it was not entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring a status or
privilege under the Act