знайшла для вас policy, в якій написано щодо виключень для українців. скопіювала лише те, що відноситься до стаді перміту.
про proof of funds — останній пункт в тексті.
Conditions (eligibility requirements)
Based on public policy considerations, delegated officers may grant an exemption, from the requirements of the Act and Regulations identified, if any of the following conditions are met:
11. The foreign national:
• is a national of Ukraine or is a family member– per the definition in subsection 1(3) of the Regulations – of a foreign national who
• meets the conditions in in 1), 2), 3), or 4) or
• is a Ukrainian national who is in Canada with valid temporary resident status;
• is in Canada with valid temporary resident status;
• has submitted an application for a study permit under section 216 of the Regulations from within Canada;
• has submitted the study permit application in (iii) using electronic means (applied online), or by any other means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose if the foreign national because of disability is unable to meet the requirement to make the application, submit any document or provide signature or information using electronic means; and
• is 18 years of age or older at the time the application in (iii) is submitted;
Provisions of the Act and the Regulations for which an exemption may be granted
For foreign nationals who meet the condition listed in 11:
• The requirement in Paragraph 20(1)(b) of the Act – for a foreign national to establish that they will leave Canada by the end of the period of authorized for their stay (obligation on entry);
• The requirement in subsection 22(2) of the Act – for a foreign national to establish they will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay (dual intent);
• Section 39 of the Act – the requirement for a foreign national not to be inadmissible for financial reasons;
• The requirement in paragraph 181(2) of the Regulations for a foreign national to satisfy an officer that they continue to meet the requirement in paragraph 179(b) to establish that they will leave Canada by the end of their period of authorized stay;
• Section 213 of the Regulations – the requirement to apply for a study permit before entering Canada;
• Paragraphs 215(1)(a)-(g) of the Regulations – the requirements that a foreign national must meet in order to apply for a study permit after entering Canada;
• Paragraph 216(1)(b) of the Regulations – the requirement for a foreign national to establish that they will leave Canada by the end of the period of authorized for their stay under Division 2 (study permit issuance);
• Section 220 of the Regulations – requirement that foreign national must have sufficient and available financial resources (studying in Canada).