(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Parenthood is a freaking societal trap AutoGPT @ Netflix People who have kids always pretend that everything is peachy just so that others can make the same mistake that they made and be miserable with them. I recently had a child and I'm miserable. I haven't slept more than 2 hours / day for over a month. My wife and I no longer talk to each other about anything other than the kid. I'm constantly being yelled at by an angry poop machine that requires my attention every 1 hour around the clock. I used to have such a nice life. Traveling, chilling with friends 2-3 times a week, going on hikes, doing productive work/side-projects... Now all I do is change diapers and feed the poop machine. I AM MISERABLE. I'm not the type of person that would leave a wife and kid, so I guess I just need to stick it out until I get used to it, but please take my advice: Please don't make the same mistake. Never have kids. . TC: 650k @blind_feed
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И все бабушки хотевшие внуков куда-то подевались 😁
а стоки справжні(публічна компанія) чи лотерейні білети стартап-лото?
Нещодавно була співбесіда на сеньор бекенд позицію. Вилку сказали 130-160+стоки незвістно. Захотіли багато досвіду з систем дизайном та архітектурою. Компанія з Монреалю, але все ж мало пропонують за багато знань. Стандартні 7+ років, вишка, навички роботи в команді, лідершип та інше. Вважаю, вилка повинна бути 170+ для такого скілу