(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
В 2019 все ще менше загинуло. Скільки можна брехати?
Судячи зі статистик і цифр, Віктор всеж таки правий. Усі показники ідуть вниз. Нижче статистика за останні 10+ років котра показує стабільне зниження і не тільки за роки ковіду. tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2020
Citizenship can be lost involuntarily through denaturalization, also known as deprivation or forfeiture. A person might have their citizenship revoked in this way due to: Fraud in the naturalization process, including sham marriages Failure to renounce another citizenship after having committed to doing so in a naturalization procedure Severe legal breaches such as treason