Українська Манітоба
#include #include #include int main() { std::srand(static_cast(std::time(nullptr))); const char* jokes[] = { "Ха-ха-ха!", "Хо-хо-хо!", "Хі-хі-хі!", "Хе-хе-хе!" }; const int numJokes = sizeof(jokes) / sizeof(jokes[0]); int randomIndex = std::rand() % numJokes; std::cout << jokes[randomIndex] << std::endl; return 0; }
RRSP непогана ідея, якщо лишаються екстра кошти для заощадження… лишилось тільки дожити до пенсії;)
Цікаво , а вони оподатковуються потім як інкам ? 🙈
2-3 positions available for construction labourers and helpers Some experience required in construction but will train someone with willingness to learn. Must speak and understand basic English particularly related to construction terminology. Understand measurements in metric and imperial system and have experience with hand tools and some basic construction experience. Accommodations are provided. Transportation also provided. See some of Manitoba's finest summer landscapes: First job is 2.5 months in Swan River, MB Second job is in Pine Dock, MB Thereafter the work will be steady for summer and very likely after that as well. Wages depend on experience. Send resume to Trina or Brad at [email protected]
General Farm labourer required in southwestern Manitoba - Reston, MB One full time and possibly one part time, good opportunity for a family. Job duties include but are not limited to: Yard work, harrowing, spraying weeds, working with cattle and farming 2000 acres of crop doing related duties required. No experience necessary as long as you are willing to learn but experience is an asset. Must understand basic English and be able to speak it at a level that they can function with work communication requirements. T his is a small town currently with one Ukrainian family residing there. Town offers a swimming lake, play structures, K-12 school, golf course, hockey and curling rinks, pharmacy, grocery store, restaurants and camp ground. Job includes access to a 3 bedroom 2 bath home in town (3 story) suitable for a family or single or more than one person if others want to come and find work which there is ample available in the area. Home has a large fenced back yard and garage for one car. Front porch with deck and nicely finished inside. If applicant has not access to transportation to get to Reston, a pick up from Winnipeg can be arranged to move the right person(s) for the job. Send resumes to Colin at [email protected] For more information you may call Colin at 4317634948
не знаю що ви маєте на увазі під "готовими" паспортами, весь процес від візиту консула в Едмонтоні до отримання їх на руки по пошті зайняв приблизно 4 міс
Сьогодні здавав тест українською і переклад був ок
Чи є десь у Вінніпезі майданчик/полігон де можна попрактикуватись водити авто?