UA to Canada CUAET
Hello! A family case is as below: Iranian father has a temporary residence of Ukraine until August 2024. Fove year old Baby boy has Ukrainian passport. Mother has nothing. They are all in Iran now. Is there any way to come to Canada? Any one can help?
Almost 99.9999% it's a hard no. I'm sorry. Non-Ukrainian family members of a Ukrainian national who are outside Canada can also apply under the CUAET measures. A family member is defined as a A) spouse or common-law partner B) dependent child (yours, your spouse’s or common-law partner’s) or C) dependent child of a dependent child
a boy can get a cuaet visa. you can only get a cuaet visa if your wife has any document that proves her ukrainian citizenship. if your wife is not a ukrainian national, neither of you are eligible for cuaet visa. only your son. the information on how to submit is in the pinned message.
Податься на визу внутри Канады при наличии действующего статуса можно когда угодно, этот процесс никакими сроками не ограничен.
Бесплатная ограничена 31.03.2024
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Спасибо Я уже гугли и попадал на форму регистрации, но разве она не для тех, кто уже получил запрос на вклейку визы? У нас пока стадия рассмотрения, сдали биометрию, больше писем не было