Канадська Кібер-Січ
NEED WORK? aramark is looking for people with high character and a heart to serve others. They have immediate work with great income options in data entry operator, payroll clerk, office assistant and customer service representative. Pay: $26/hr Spare time: 2-3 hours a week. Part time: 3-4 hours a week Full time positions available upon request Hours are negotiable. No experience needed. No background check and must be free of felony. We provide all training and licensing. Send a Dm on this app or massage 👉🏻[email protected]
NEED WORK? aramark is looking for people with high character and a heart to serve others. They have immediate work with great income options in data entry operator, payroll clerk, office assistant and customer service representative. Pay: $26/hr Spare time: 2-3 hours a week. Part time: 3-4 hours a week Full time positions available upon request Hours are negotiable. No experience needed. No background check and must be free of felony. We provide all training and licensing. Send a Dm on this app or massage 👉🏻[email protected]
Так шо... Оголошення... Пт, 2 червня, Рокі Поінт... 6рм... На полянці пікнік... Може з Фудкувер провести разом... А потім догнатися в броварню) там їх безліч... Слухаю коментарі 👇
Діти ДТ)
Я закохався в місцевість Піт Мідовс, там де ферми
Але ідея хороша
Та то я так ляпнув )
На ферму їхати )
Нема там нікого
Ти ще в Ленглі не був
Тільки з 1 до 3 )))
Не був
А ти досі ні