Українська Канада
This is ridiculous! I'll figure out what country I want to live in. I do not like the Ukrainian language, so I communicate in the language that is comfortable for me and not prohibited by the rules. What is your problem?
yes. Rules which actually offence Canadian law! But this is doesn't metter.... yep - i agree
what? o_O this is just picture from internet....
I can speak Ukrainian language.... but this is my personal choice which language use...
Правда с тг канала фсб? скинь скринь, аж самому любопытно стало!
ахахха - аватарка з тг каналом фсб “легитимный” - не люблю українську мову вийди, не позорься
wooowww..... typical reaction for those who have nothing to say!
Okay, I have no idea about that kind of telegram channel. But your knowledge speaks volumes. =)
So i within the rules.
I only asking. If man say something bad about person - he must corroborate his words.