Український чат Ванкуверу
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Всім привіт, друзі хто тут вже давно?В мене є питання по податкам які забирають з зарплати? Хтось може допомогти розібратись? 😅
Шукаю Сусідку в двокімнатну квартиру, в одномістну кімнату за 1000$ Квартира розташована, біля метро brigeport 20хв на метро до центра Ванкувера.
I would like to complain your festival policy accepting russia and “its” “cousine”. It’s unbelievable to access anything carried by terroristic state. So, the question is how dare you to hoist russian flags in the same time when they are killing civilians and committing multiple crimes against humanity? I just want to find out how you had made this decision? Here, in Canada, where millions have Ukrainian roots, you allow to perform and share “culture” of those who are raping children and cutting heads off in Ukraine? You might tell me about only war crimes and only soldiers are doing it, but russian army consists of millions parents who had born and grew up such bastards able to commit those sins. Look how proud and excited they are to destroy other’s lives. You accepted abandoned terrorists to show their culture, I just can’t believe it! When all the civilized nations try to wipe out anything related to russia! Don’t you want to show russia as it is, there are many many evidences of “russian world”, I can give you some photos too, or vodka and balalayka are such an essential part of cultural achievements you are proud to represent in Canada closing the eyes on what they did?!? I hope Canadian won’t forgive you it.
Dear Surrey Fusion Festival Team, I am writing in regards to the inclusion of Russian pavilion in this year's event. As a war refugee from Ukraine, I find it deeply disturbing that Russian culture is being cherished and celebrated during your festival, whilst Russian militaries are committing war crimes in my homeland. The whole world is banning and isolating Russia as a way to stop those atrocities from happening, but Surrey Fusion Festival decided to proceed with including a Russian cultural corner in the event. Russian soldiers are killing, raping and torturing civilians, burning down and bombarding Ukrainian cities, and I believe that you, the organizers, would not want to consciously support those barbaric actions. There is now a huge amount of displaced Ukrainians in BC, and I am sure that I am not the only one who finds the inclusion of Russian arts & food corner offensive. The Ukrainian community will be thankful if you decide to reconsider your decision and remove Russian pavilion from your festival. Best regards,