Українська Манітоба
Та давно вже треба стартап відкривати - супровід на годину)))
Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair announced Monday that Canada is experiencing its worst wildfire season of the 21st century, with more than 47,000 square kilometres burned so far this year.
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На скільки безпечно спати з відкритими вікнами?Відчувається запах диму(
Нормально спати. Ніхто від цього ще не помер. Таке враження що Україна була найбільш екологочистішою країною в світі
Description Wildfire smoke is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility at times. Air quality and reduced visibility due to wildfire smoke can fluctuate over short distances and can vary considerably from hour to hour. ### Wildfire smoke can be harmful to everyone’s health even at low concentrations. Everyone can take action to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke. People with lung disease (such as asthma) or heart disease, older adults, children, pregnant people, and people who work outdoors are at higher risk of experiencing health effects caused by wildfire smoke. Speak with your health care provider about developing a management plan for wildfire smoke events and maintaining a supply of necessary medications at home and always carrying these medications with you during wildfire season. Visit for information on how to reduce your health risk and your personal contribution to pollution levels, as well as for current and forecast AQHI values. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.