Імміграція до Манітоби
If you are from a country whose citizens need a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) to travel to Canada, you will also need a valid TRV to return, unless you: • Will visit only to the United States* or St-Pierre and Miquelon, and • Return before your status expires.
Foil less visa - це ж одноразова віза, хіба ні?
Well, sorry about one month... I think I messed up a bit combining your message with other answer. In any case - it must be paid vacation. Some conpanies allows thwir employees to go to paid vacations only after one year of work, some conpanies only after six month... so it will depends on company policy. Otherwise it's gonna be a gap in the payments, hours and it can cause some troubles.
Agree, I’ve been working for my company only for 2 months and they allowed me to take a week off.
Доброго ранку, громадо. Прошу поради стосовно study permit Якщо податись по Ворк перміт, отримати номінацію, а через пів року подати на study permit, будучи в процесі отримання PR Чи так можна чи треба дочекатись рішення вже на федеральному рівні? Дякую заздалегідь !
7 weeks is a good start
My company asked my about my paid vocation , which unfortunately will be only 7 days this year, because I’ve started working there from April, and the vocation (paid) is calculated starting from the July (3 month probation) however I can take that week any time I want , and they are kinda pushing me to choose time for that, cos otherwise the paid vocation will just disappear(for this year)if I don’t use it this year .
Well, almost a week 😂