У Вінніпег та Торонто скасували завдяки українській громаді. Вони активно писали листи тим організаціям, які надавали приміщення під захід. Додаю зразок нижче
On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian community in Winnipeg, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that your organization is hosting Dimitri Lascaris, a famous pro-kremlin propagandist today.
Over the last months Mr. Lascaris not only visited territories, occupied by the Russian regime, but also he is associated with representatives of private military company Wagner. Please note that Wagner is recognized to be a terrorist organization in multiple jurisdictions. Not only such trips violate Canadian and Ukrainian laws, but also pose questions about the source of financing and hidden agenda of Mr. Lascaris and his team. More on sanctions you can find here (www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/sanctions/ukraine.aspx?lang=eng).
The Peace and Justice Network is behind this Canada-wide tour of Lascaris. They affiliate with he World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) famous for deception of Russian genocidal crimes in Ukraine. For example, they stated that the massacre of civilians in Bucha, near Kyiv, was just a staged «theatre».
Last two events held by Lascaris in London and Hamilton this week were the example of typical kremlin propaganda. Representatives of the Ukrainian community were not even allowed to participate. Lascaris’s speeches contained hate and insults towards Ukrainians in Canada and war refugees and false allegations against members of the Canadian Government. No wonder that similar event in Toronto was canceled.
We would kindly ask you to cancel the venue for tonight's 7pm event i and not let Lascaris or his supporters and collaborators (WSWS, Peace and Justice Network, Ken Stone, Sid Ryan, Urban Campesino, Jason Chavez Baines, etc.) to use your space for spreading hateful pro-Russian propaganda on the Canadian soil.
Best regards,