(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
The current cities/areas in the USA that are participating are: • Syracuse/Buffalo area, New York • Boston, Massachusetts • Omaha, Nebraska/Council Bluffs, Iowa area
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Привіт! Шукаю роботу React Native розробником, рівень Senior, 6 років досвіду. Можливо в когось в компанії існує вектор з такою технологією? Здається це рідкість тут. Також буду радий зв’язкам з колегами по реакт нейтіву 🤝
Is Canada the worst country for tech on earth? lbyh57 @ Amazon They pay low TC, which is bad, but they are also extremely uncultured and have some of the worst weather on earth. Europe also pays low TC but at least you can enjoy the culture and go around exploring Europe. European weather is also much better. The same can be said about some Asian cities like Singapore. Canada? A wasteland. Why does anyone ever move there? TC 320k @blind_feed