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Last night at about 3am a few people got into my gated backyard and attempted to open my sliding door to my bedroom. Woke up and chased one of them down and took them to the ground. The women was arrested but the other person got away. She told police she was drunk and thought it was her house. But she hopped my fence and unlatch three locks to my back lane gate and dragged 3 of my children’s bikes out into the alley. And it just so happens they live right across from my back lane from us. And it also just so happens that as I was chasing her with my dog she ran right home….? Anyways maybe people should check out their belongings between Queen St. and King Edward. The lady was released by police, and they told me there’s nothing they can do. Also the 911 dispatcher was very passive aggressive with myself and my wife saying I should’ve let them run away and police do their job. And seemed to be more worried about the well-being of the person trying to break into my home more so then the well being of a home where children sleep 👍 they also put this over our motion detector light. Definetely something you do when you come home 🙄
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