Українська Канада
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Grocery rebate payments from the federal government are expected to start landing in eligible Canadians' bank accounts today. The government has billed the one-time payment as targeted inflation relief for some 11 million low- and modest-income households. It repeats the temporary boost to the GST rebate the government offered last year to address growing cost-of-living concerns. Those eligible for the GST rebate as of January 2023 will be eligible for the one-time top up; no application is required. The payment amounts are based on net income and family size. Eligible families of four will receive up to $467 by direct deposit or cheque from the Canada Revenue Agency. Single people without children will get up to $234 and seniors will see a rebate of up to $225. Read more on this story here.
У вашому випадку простіше, щоб хтось з дорослих подався і вказав, що летить із дитиною. Аплікації потрібно кожному окремо. Візу отримають, а полетить собі аж у 18 років Але пам'ятайте, що CUAET діє до 31.03.2024. Після цієї дати ця віза не даватиме права на роботу.