(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
2500 Job apps, 46 interviews, 1 offer MRFM16 @ New All - got laid off from Meta earlier in the year. Just got an offer. I am happy but this application process totally wore me out. The market is just brutal. Lot of people say they have jobs and this and that but when the rubber hits the road, everyone backs off. What has been your experience? Previous TC - 475k New TC -210K @blind_feed
и билет на поезд к себе приложить, да
так доставка ж в рамках города самого
А потім кол з хр через харасмент ))
One of Henry Ford's famous quotes about the Model T was, "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is black." The Model T only came in black because the production line required compromise so that efficiency and improved quality could be achieved.
Тогда непонятно как ты мог наговорить на пожизненное.
Може репортить просто backlog з заявок. Хр же теж поскорочували