Квитки для українців за CUAET для подорожі літаком всередині Канади від Operation Ukrainian Safe Heaven.
Авіаперельоти здійснюють компанією Flair Airlines.
За квитками звертайтесь до таких організацій у своїх провінціях.
Need assistance with travel?
Flair Airlines tickets are now available for displaced Ukrainians who are seeking assistance with domestic travel.
Please contact the agency of the province where you live.
For information on how to obtain these tickets, please see the contact below:
Alberta: 75 available tickets* - Catholic Social Services of Alberta
[email protected]
British Columbia: 44 available tickets* - S.U.C.C.E.S.S. -
[email protected]
Manitoba: 42 available tickets* - Immigrant Centre Manitoba -
[email protected]
New Brunswick: 8 available tickets* - YMCA of Greater Saint John -
[email protected]
Newfoundland and Labrador: 6 available tickets* - Association for New Canadians (ANC) -
[email protected]
Nova Scotia: 9 available tickets* - YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth -
[email protected]
Ontario: 161 available tickets* - TNO - The Neighbourhood Organization -
[email protected]
- CUIAS Immigrant Services -
[email protected]
Quebec: 42 available tickets* - Centre CSAI -
[email protected]
Saskatchewan: 13 available tickets* - Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement Integration Agencies -
[email protected]
* The donation is distributed equitably between provinces based on government data with percentages of displaced Ukrainians in each province.