Thank you for your interest in working in Canada. After careful review of your work permit application and supporting documentation under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, I have
determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). I am refusing
your application on the following grounds:
• You are not eligible for the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel as I am not satisfied that you are in a genuine and ongoing relationship with a Ukrainian national as per
R4 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
To get help with understanding your temporary resident application refusal and what you can do next, visit:
Next Steps:
• If you decide to apply again, know that: ○ your new application will be assessed on its own merits,
○ you must resubmit a new application and all relevant supporting documents and pay a new temporary resident application fee, and
○ your new application may be refused unless it is supported by new or different information that would satisfy the officer that you meet all application requirements.
For additional information on next steps and legal references, you can visit:
Это полный текст. Я отчим. дополнительно отправляли кучу скринов нашей с женой (его мамой) переписки, фотки. Проблема в том, что у нас с ним не было ни одной совместной фото. Ему 21 год уже, но на момент подачи учился на стационаре, я его указывал как depended person