(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
А, это ж я на новый вп делал новый охип
Лол, уже онлайн можно Вроде год назад нельзя было
If you are moving or have moved: You are required by law to inform the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care if you change your address. It is important that you keep your address up-to-date in order to keep your OHIP coverage active. Keeping your address up-to-date will also ensure that you receive any communications from the ministry about your OHIP coverage.
Дякую, цікаво! Я не копала це питання, бо не було потреби, але дуже часто це чула від батьків дітей, які мали проблеми зі speech delay та ходили до терапевтів. Можливо, це їх так знайомі заспокоювали, бо станом на зараз всі їх діти досить жваво базікають і все це пройшло😀
Моє козацьке прізвище сьогодні — Варикухлик.
Чим дорожче бенз, тим менше потрібно їздити
Have cried all day today and have fallen into depression after horrible promotion increase last week. zinger23 @ Milbank So last week I got promoted for my role, and I have been busting my ass for this role for the past 2 years now. Located in Boston - remote. I live with my parents because of horrible salary. My base went from 119k to 135k, after being told I have been doing great and I have great promise. No other bonuses of any kind. I am also extremely underpaid to other people on same level as I have talked to other people who make 150 - 160k for the same role. Compare to other folks my age, I am 26 btw, I feel like an absolute bum. I put so much effort to try to get noticed, and kept getting told it’ll be rewarded, but this it? Am I wrong to be depressed, I feel totally checked out. I don’t even want to continue. But I can’t even move on due to the market. Is the new reality of being a SWE? #burnout #depression #mentalhealth #tech #swe TC: 135k YOE: 2 YOE in a month @blind_feed