UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
всім привіт, у мене питання, чи підходить моя робота на pr “Packaging Technician”
Всім привіт. Підкажіть будь ласка хто знає, як можна з ПриватБанківської карти перевести USD на рахунок канадського банку ? На жаль не знайшов в пошуку інформацію. Дякую.
Calgary, district SW, SE, NW, looking for a 2-room apartment or house, 3 adults ( Ukraine) without children and without animals. budget up to 2000 cad. Thank you +1 (368) 299-0387
English classes available to Ukrainian immigrants. RockPointe Intercultural is organizing ESL classes which are led by dedicated volunteers and supervised by ESL Coordinator Kim Little and Pastor Naim Choi. Although these classes are not accredited and do not follow a formal curriculum, they are an excellent opportunity for you to enhance your English skills in a supportive atmosphere. If you have young children, free childcare for children aged 2-6 is available during the classes, subject to availability. You can make arrangements ahead of time by sending an email to [email protected] The classes are held at 3851 54th Ave NE Calgary, AB, Canada (please use the rear door of the building) every Monday from 6-7:30 pm. Registration is ongoing and you can sign up by clicking on the following link: rockpointecalgary.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1907586
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Скажіть будьласка щось про безкоштовні квитки до Канади. Типу Ukraine2Canada