(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Що за тачка?
«Це директива, а не рекомендація», – сказав єврокомісар, коментуючи заяви від речника польського уряду про те, що Польща наступного року не подовжить тимчасовий захист для українців.
The European Commission, the bloc’s executive, had initially demanded Poland, Hungary and Slovakia reverse their bans, but is now working to “co-ordinate” their legal rebuttals to Kyiv’s filing of a suit at the World Trade Organization. In a written request sent to Poland, Hungary and Slovakia on Wednesday, seen by the Financial Times, the commission said that “as a matter of EU law” it will “act in these WTO proceedings initiated against member states”, referring to the complaint raised by Ukraine after the three countries imposed their curbs on imports of grain. The commission added: “The immediate next step is for the commission to respond to Ukraine on these consultation requests on behalf of all three member states.” Discussions inside the commission regarding whether or not to defend Poland, Hungary and Slovakia were continuing on Wednesday evening, said a person with knowledge of the talks.
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