🇺🇦UA Ottawa - Ми в Оттаві🇨🇦
So, some live music. Practice listening 😉 That's very canadian 😄
And you know, yesterday I saw Chris Murphy and talked to him. 😎 He conveyed greetings to all Ukrainians. ❤️❤️❤️
Всім привіт! Продам випрямляч для волосся. Користувалася один раз.Ціна 40 cad.
The Rest Of My Life I started thinkin' 'bout the rest of my life I found myself just lookin' out for trouble and strife Someone with whom I'd spend the rest of my days But if I ever said I wasn't settin' my ways Well then I guess you caught me lying to myself What kind of fool doesn't think about it What kind of fool doesn't think about it You'd have to be a fool not to think about it Am I Gonna settle down Am I gonna be Someone who has to take the rest of my life To settle down Well I guess you caught me lying to myself We'll make a man outta me One thing I know about the rest of my life I know that I'll be living it in Canada I know I said I'll share the rest of my days But I was only going through a phase Am I Gonna settle down Am I gonna be Someone who has to take the rest of my life To settle down Well I guess you caught me lying to myself What kind of fool doesn't think about it What kind of fool doesn't think about it You have to be a fool not to think about it Am I Gonna settle down Am I gonna be Someone who has to take the rest of my life Am I Gonna settle down Am I gonna be Someone who has to take the rest of my life To settle down Well I guess you caught me lying to myself [x2]
And what's your favourite Canadian band? Do you listen to Canadian music? What do you think about Sloan? What about Chris Murphy?
The last sentence is very familiar, isn't it? ( If you have listened to the song) 😉
Я зрозуміла, дякую за відповідь
Детей долго рассматривают, иностранцев - на общих основаниях. Некоторые ждут с начала работы программы
Of course we need only one word "want". My bad, sorry. 🙃
Доброго вечора всім) в нас така ситуація, може хтось зіштовхувався з таким. Ми з чоловіком 16.01 подали на візу заявку, через день 18.01 ми здали біометрію, ще через день статус моєї біометрії був "опрацьовано", свою візу я отримала через 3 тижні, я громадянка України, чоловік іноземець. І лише 01.06 в чоловіка нарешті теж статус біометрії "опрацьовано", в кого як було, скільки чекали, для чоловіка іноземця, на візу? Також є двоє малолітніх дітей, цікавить скільки доведеться очікувати на візу для них, хтось каже що можливо з паспортом чоловіка відправити дитячі і їм теж вклеять візи, хтось каже, що вклеять лише якщо є запит на вклейку. На емейли відповіді нема, на гарячій лінії сказали чекайте.
- Is she wearing snickers? - They are doing a new project this week. - He is always taking my speakers without permission. - We are having a meeting tomorrow at 5p.m.
Present Continuous (Progressive): -дія, котра триває в даний момент, прямо зараз; - дія, котра триває певний період часу (цими днями, цей тиждень, увесь день, цього семестру тощо); - щось, що трапляється регулярно ( наче, Present Simple), але дратує когось; - майбутня дія, запланована, точно призначена, часто вказано час
He speaks English very well
I usually go to my work place by bus.
Застосовуємо Present Simple (Indefinite) коли говоримо про якийсь факт, чи дію, котра відбувається часто, інколи, зазвичай, ну, коротше кажучи, так буває. 😊
Але, ми ж не будемо відкладати англійську на потім, правда? 😉🤓
I wish you a lovely weekend and an amazing Sunday!
That's just another boring rainy Sunday afternoon... 😬
I’m sitting here in a boring room, it’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon. I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do. I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you, but nothing ever happens – and I wonder. I’m driving around in my car, I’m driving too fast, I’m driving too far. I’d like to change my point of view. I feel so lonely, I’m waiting for you, but nothing ever happens – and I wonder. I wonder how, I wonder why yesterday you told me ’bout the blue blue sky and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. And all that I can see is just another lemon tree. Sing: dah… I’m sitting here, I miss the power, I’d like to go out, taking a shower, but there’s a heavy cloud inside my head. I feel so tired, put myself into bed, where nothing ever happens – and I wonder. Isolation – is not the good for me. Isolation – I don’t want to sit on a lemon tree. I’m steppin’ around in a desert of joy. Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy and everything will happen – and you’ll wonder. I wonder how, I wonder why yesterday you told me ’bout the blue blue sky and all that I can see is just another lemon tree. I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. And I wonder, wonder I wonder how, I wonder why yesterday you told me ’bout the blue blue sky and all that I can see and all that I can see and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.