🇺🇦UA Ottawa - Ми в Оттаві🇨🇦
Підсвічу: така саме проблема але термін очікування менший. Донька, 11 років, отримали на неї тільки Client application Summary. Писав листи, заповнював звернення на сайті - тиша
Мені дісталося в подарунок, отож віддаю теж безкоштовно ліжко Трошки old fashioned, але в гарному стані. Розмір 105/210 см Район Centre Town. Забрати потрібно до кінця тижня
Ездили на Ниагару через Торонто, соответственно бонус в 2 места. Ездили как и на автобусе с автовокзала Оттавы в Торонто. От туда бус до Ниагары. Так и машиной почти тому же маршруту. Идеально 1 ночь в Торонто и 1 в Ниагаре. Торонто впечатляет архитектурой, Ниагара природой. Ниагара прям екстра вау смотреть нужно как днём так и вечером с подсветками, плавать на кораблике тоже обязательно
I am a passenger And I ride, and I ride I ride through the city's backsides I see the stars come out of the sky Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky You know it looks so good tonight I am the passenger I stay under glass I look through my window so bright I see the stars come out tonight I see the bright and hollow sky Over the city's ripped back sky And everything looks good tonight Singin' la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la, la la Get into the car We'll be the passenger We'll ride through the city tonight See the city's ripped backsides We'll see the bright and hollow sky We'll see the stars that shine so bright Oh, stars made for us tonight Oh, the passenger How, how he rides Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He looks through his window What does he see? He sees the silent hollow sky He sees the stars come out tonight He sees the city's ripped backsides He sees the winding ocean drive And everything was made for you and me All of it was made for you and me 'Cause it just belongs to you and me So let's take a ride and see what's mine Singin' la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la, la la Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He sees things from under glass He looks through his window's eye He sees the things that he knows are his He sees the bright and hollow sky He sees the city asleep at night He sees the stars are out tonight And all of it is yours and mine And all of it is yours and mine So let's ride and ride and ride and ride Singin' la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la, la la Singin' la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la, la la
And at the end of the day you can jump into the car, ride and sing again 😉😎
When you wanna be able to decide on your own... When it's just in the middle of this 🔥 hot working day... 🙃 Should you stay or should you go? 😉
Не Ніагара, але хочу поділитися))) Їздили з доньками до Prince of Wales Falls. Ну, дуууже гарно! І не далеко))
І, звичайно ж, можна сказати 'Come on, jump into the car!' Але не всім і не завжди 👆 Мабуть 🤔
And what about a bicycle? Bicycle??? Oh yes, 'bicycle' is an exception - there is no 'inside" ( it has only surfaces) so it takes 'get on/off'
So, we say 'get on/off' for big vehicles like buses, trams, trains, planes and ships. However, we say 'get into/out of' for cars, vans, lorries, boats and other smaller modes of transport.
Do you know all of them? 😉