Ukrainian Calgary
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Hello,, Centre for Newcomers - CFN plans to conduct Empowering Community through Self-Defense class on 18th November 2023 from 09:30 to 12:30 pm at Centre for Newcomers 125, 565 36 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6K3. Poster attached wit this email. This workshop is intended to teach empowerment and self-defence skills to people who have been or could be impacted by racialized, xenophobic, or other discriminatory scenarios. Furthermore, participating in a self-defense workshop ensures that newcomers are prepared to face any unexpected situations they may encounter. Here are a few key reasons why attending such workshops would greatly benefit newcomers like yourself: 1. Personal Safety: Acquiring self-defense skills empowers you to protect yourself in potentially dangerous situations. 2. Building Confidence: Self-defense workshops not only teach physical techniques but also help you develop mental resilience, assertiveness, and confidence. 3. Community Engagement: Attending self-defense workshops presents an excellent opportunity to connect you with fellow newcomers in a supportive environment. 4. Cultural Awareness: You can gain a deeper understanding of Canadian laws, customs, and cultural norms related to personal safety. This knowledge promotes harmonious integration into society. Please call/email us via 403-478-5390, [email protected] for registration. Warmest regards,