І от зараз я таки отримала дозапит документів. І цілу купу! Я у розпачі...This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:
> CV/Resume: In relation to your studies, we require a detailed CV/Resume containing a description of your education, qualifications and experience
> Schedule A: A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature Please provide an updated form that includes in all sections the following period of time: May 2013 to present. Please do not leave any gaps in time.
> Additional Family Info IMM5406: A separate and newly completed Additional Family Information form (IMM5406) bearing original signatures Please provide an updated form
> IMM5562: Supplementary Information - Your Travels Please provide an updated form
І те ж саме й для чоловіка плюс Military Records.
Термін — 30 днів. Не розумію, чого цей дозапит прийшов на все. Я нічого нового там не напишу((((
Просто розпач