Ждуны CUAET Canada 🇨🇦
Screenshot (7 дек. 2023 г. 11:05:00)
Здравствуйте скажите пожалуйста, что делать в такой ситуации:Изначально пришёл запрос мужу(муж иностранец) на доп.документы,пока мы сбирали и переводили в бюро переводов ,через 8 дней пришёл отказ в визе,что делать в этой ситуации, писать на кризис форму,что срок подачи доп.документов ещё не истёк и просьбу о пересмотре?
The group had 7008 members in the morning. Now it's down to 7002. Yesterday was 7016( if I remember well) Seems to me that some people received refusal, re-applied and they have received a request already. Others are still just waiting with no change in their application. Also, it seems to me that there is more improvement in applications being processed in The Russian Federation than in London IRCC. Those whose applications are considered in London have little to no hope.
There are a lot of families between Ukrainians and russians, that’s why you can see so many cases with their approves or refuses. There is nothing unusual in that. And most applications are considered in London. Number of participants in this chat is approximate. Some people are already in Canada, but still looking for some help here. 🤷♀️
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