Імміграція до Манітоби
🔫 Аня кікнуто — повернути цього користувача можна тільки розбаном у налаштуваннях чату. За кік проголосували: @smlnkv_alex, Евгений Корниенко, @MrAltruist, Alexander, @knebekajze, Aleks Kas, @FromMessenger, Ihor, @Kseniya_ExecutiveSearch, @striptaz Info on moving from 🇺🇦 to 🇨🇦
Government can give earlier, but it wouldn't. Everyone will go through the path. If you are only tried to use search - then you could've read that people right now waiting for more than two months... that means that picture with three months and more real.
Well, maybe... just maybe... If they will be able to persuade migration officer in airport, that they are eligible for CUAET and ... but they are already inside Canada, if I gathered this correctly. So... If they don't have any markings on their visitor records that are indicating that this is CUAET - well... nothing to hope for. No money, no open work permits.