Ванкуверская Беседка
Да, для micro дронов так и есть. Правда там тоже есть ограничения для всех.
Drones are considered aircraft under the Aeronautics Act and Canadian Aviation Regulations and are therefore prohibited to enter the following zones without the proper authorizations:
- Class F Special Use Restricted Airspace
- Over a forest fire area or any area located within five nautical miles of a forest fire area, or in any airspace for which a NOTAM for Forest Fire Aircraft Operating Restrictions has been emitted
- Zones where a 5.1 of the Aeronautics Act restrict the use of airspace to all aircraft has been emitted
Class F restricted airspace. Там нельзя никому без разрешения.
Danger Area Designated Altitude - Surface to FL230 Time of Designation - Cont User/Controlling Agency - ACCE(P) Esquimalt (RCAF Detachment) [email protected] (250) 363-1050 (CSN) 333-1050 M-F 0800-1600 lcl. After hours (250) 889-0073 Operating Procedures - No person should operate an aircraft within the area described unless the flight has been authorized by the User/Controlling Agency.
Сектор, задевающий югозападное побережье UBC - нудистский пляж. Может поэтому закрыли 😁