(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
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My meta offer ganugapati @ Apple I received an offer from Meta at E5. Here is how I prepped. I hope this post will help people targetting FAANG companies. 1. Coding I did almost 3-400 problems on leetcode that are tagged both Meta and Google. Even if I cudnt do the problem I made sure I looked at the solution and remember it. I made a cheatsheet of all problems I wanted to revise. I revised all the problems multiple times. 2. System Design There are 40 basic system design questions on educative.io with back of the envelope math. I was fluent with all of them. There are 20 advanced system design questions as well but felt they were not required and were advanced. 3. Behavioral I took Engineering Manager behavioral workshop with interviewkickstart.com along with 6 mock interviews that came with it. I spent almost 2400$ on it but well worth it. For coding+system design I took mock practice sessions from hellointerview.com. I paid 160$ for each session but worth it. The whole preparation lasted for almost 15-18 months. I hope this post will help people targetting FAANG companies and good luck. @blind_feed