Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chat
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Не правда во многих клубах и пабах есть новогодние вечеринки на любой вкус. Погуглите. Салюта не будет конечно большого, но многие сами постреливают. Можно увидеть и услышать. Конечно такой гулянки и тусовки нет как там. Есть и эксклюзивные вечеринки в таксидо и вечерних платьях. Кто сколько готов платить
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Good morning. We are having a real problem with noise from our neighbors. It happens frequently. The ceiling has poor acoustic resistance. Last night, around 1:00 am, my family was awakened by sounds resembling someone tapping a shoe heel. It sounded like the upstairs neighbors were moving furniture and running in hard shoes. We have spoken with them a few times, but they continue to make loud noises at all hours. We are truly exhausted. You need to talk to them.
Бо в мене щось не дуже виходить.... Good morning. We have real problem with neighbors noise. It's happening frequently. Ceiling have a low acoustic resistance. This over night around 01:00 am my family was wake up because we hearing sounds like tap the heel of a shoe. When sounds like upstairs neighbours moved furniture. Then runing in hard shoes. We are was have a few times speak with upstairs neighbours but they still make a high volume noise any time. We are really tired. You must speak with them.