Українська Манітоба
Unfortunately, it's not true
Дякую за відповідь. Коли замітив падіння рейтингу перерив все що тільки можна і credit report в тому числі. Всюди вказівки що я все роблю правильно, окрім тривалість моєї кредитної історії яку підсвічує червоним, але там потрібний тільки час... Як я зрозумів такі ситуації не поодинокі, надіюсь більше такого не трапиться. Бо рейтинг росте повільно кожного тижня по 5-7 пунктів а потім раз вниз...
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Можливо не правильно зрозуміла питання. Хто відкрив у 2023 рахунок, то міг поповнити його одразу ж на суму до 8 тис. дол. З 01 січня можна вже поповнювати наступні 8 тис.
A credit score of 680 or above is required to qualify for the best mortgage rates in Canada in 2024. Some mortgage providers allow you to qualify with credit scores between 600 and 680, but these providers may charge higher interest rates.
Fidelity Minimum credit score needed for an insured mortgage On July 1, 2020, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) increased the minimum credit score requirement on insured mortgages from 600 to 680. This represented a significant jump, and the response from industry experts was mixed. Many felt that the new benchmark was too restrictive and would result in too many Canadians not entering the housing market. CMHC's minimum score applies to at least one borrower on a mortgage. This makes the situation a bit more flexible for couples, as only one borrower needs to exceed the 680 threshold.
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Some brokers, newspapers, and banks only work with specific credit scores to sell their products such as mortgages. To illustrate, if my product requires a credit score of 600, I may advertise that the score doesn't matter. If my product requires a credit score of 750, I will advertise ways to improve your score. If a bank requires a score of 600 but pays better to the broker, the broker will advertise that the score doesn't matter. Currently, I can sell mortgages at 4.74%, but you must have a credit score of at least 750.