Для тих, кого цікавить як виглядає імейл роботодавцю то ось, мене випадково HR'ка сc'нула:
Hi (Name),
We are currently processing immigration application under the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) for ********
We require the following updated information/document. Please provide the following information via email :
Please confirm :
employment start date (exact start date) as a full-time employee in –
time away from work due to layoffs, vacation, sickness, any other reason
job title
NOC (National Occupational Classification).
job duties
hours of work per week
hourly wages/ annual salary
current location (address) of employment
is it a remote or an office based job?
end date (exact end date) or currently employed
Confirm the NAICs (North American Industry Classification System) code.
confirm your designation with the company
We require this information to make an informed decision on this application. Please provide the requested information by or before May 20, 2023
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Alpana Mittal
Program Officer
Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP)
Suite 940, ATB Place North Tower, 10025 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton AB T5J 1S6
Website: www.alberta.ca/alberta-advantage-immigration-program.aspx